Moment of Silence
But don't cry for me, Argentina (everywhere else, feel free). They replaced the hard drive for me. I still have Clementine and she has been made clean as fresh snow. It's a new beginning, right? Right??
Hi, I'm Annie.
Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.
Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness.
A few posts to get you started:
Passing the bridge of sighs
A modest proposal
+ modest proposal part 2
Adeste fideles
Uncurbed enthusiasm
Liner notes to growing up
Sunday dinner @ 135
Playing big
In praise of late bloomers
Bless her heart
+paging EB White
+waiting room
Nine and a half
Madeleine, 16
Keystone parents
She holds these truths
Louie, Louie
Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me.
More at my tumblr, Gather
and at my Pinterest pinboards
Reader Comments (8)
that is really not fun.
so I guess, clementine is dead, long live clementine!
Oh, friend. I am so sorry for your loss. I think this is a good reminder for me to back up all the pictures sitting innocently on my computer. I would DIE if I lost them.
Good Advice! I am going to back up today. Sorry for your loss!!!
oh boy! I was just there--losing everything--a couple months ago....luckily most things were backed up, but i am still having moments where i realize i've lost something relatively important.
Your photos? Your PhD work? Oh my. I am shedding more than a few tears for you.
So, so sorry!
so, so, SO SORRY!
my condolences...
Aargh! What a near disaster! Those laptops are slippery little devils. Good lesson for us all.
Dreadful sorry, Clementine.:-(
have you tried a data recovery service to get all that good stuff off of your hard drive?? I have heard that they can work miracles. That is good news about iTunes. I'll keep that in mind with my mac. I suspect my nine lives are already up because i have resurrected my mac so many times.