

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
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and American
living in Australia.

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Poor little conehead

Turns out there is something worse than losing all your data on your computer*:
Getting neutered.  
(Just ask Louie.)

First they shave you in all sorts of undignified ways.
This particular look surprised us.

Then you have to wear a sad little collar
for 10 to 14 days
(They try to class it up by calling it an Elizabethan collar
but really it's just a plastic cone.
I'm pretty sure Queen Elizabeth I would be insulted.)

No running and playing.  For 10 to 14 days.
No bathing or getting wet. For 10 to 14 days.
Bumping your cone against walls, stairs, the floor
as you adjust to your new width.
(Do we laugh? Yes we do.)
Very sad.

Ah, perspective.

When I went to pick up Louie, they gave me this kit: 

Spay/neuter kit?!
Whoa! I had no idea this was a self-serve neutering operation! 
I hope they give some pretty detailed instructions.  
Cause I don't know if I'm comfortable...

All day Louie looked at me like this.  

Finally I realized what he reminded me of. 
He's like the RCA dog and the victrola all in one, 
don't you think?

You're welcome, Bob Barker.

p.s. Thanks for your condolences and sympathies for my Clementine.  (As Allysha so perfectly put it: Clementine is dead.  Long live Clementine!) Things are looking up as I reinstall and reconfigure and upload.

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Reader Comments (5)

Poor baby Louie! First you go and leave him all week, then you return and cut off his privates. One day I am sure he will forgive you.

07.30.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMcKay

UGH, that was me. Didn't realize the kid had sneaked in here and signed on. Wonder how many blogs I've commented on today as him?

07.30.2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

He does look like the RCA dog and victrola!

We had kitty spayed and it was soooooo sad. It is of course the responsible thing to do but I don't know if I could face it again!

I've been telling everyone about poor Clementine. I'm quite traumatized by her death.

07.31.2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

Oh Louie! I hardly knew ya. Very sweet, though, in your little Katherine Hepburn collar gone wild. In no time at all you will never know what you never missed. If you had indulged in just one illicit affair, then your mourning would have been quite tragic. But zip-zop. No memories, no longing for longing. Hang in there, little trooper!

07.31.2008 | Unregistered Commentercbentley

He does look like the RCA dog! How funny. I'm sure Bob Barker is smiling down at your from doggie heaven.

07.31.2008 | Unregistered CommenterNells-Bells

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