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Two hours

If you're from around my era, you know the movie Better Off Dead revolves in part around the phrase "two dollars...." { As I type this, I realize it's one of those have-to-watch-it phenomena but I'll keep plowing through for the sake of a comparison I'm trying to make.  But if you already know this about Better Off Dead, we need to be best friends.}  The paperboy, back in the day when paperboys came to the door to collect their fees, haunts the main character in search of his two dollars.  Everywhere he turns, there's the paperboy with his palm up and his demand for two dollars.  You get the picture.

For me, it's two hours.  I am haunted by two measly hours out of the 168 hours I live and breath each week.

Mondays, 10-12, if you're wondering.

Those hours--the anticipation of them, the planning for them, the living through them, the possibilities for failing them, the replaying them later--follow me around all week long, palm up and saying (in italics, of course) two hours.

And that is what I have to say about how I am enjoying teaching my first solo university class (thank you for asking and for your kind words).  I am passionate about the material (love it! Lifespan Human Development) and overwhelmed by the enormity of the subject, doled out in a dozen or so two-hour doses.  I am daunted by the task of mastering the content deeply enough.  And by the fact that these students will eventually go out, as social workers with master's degrees in hand, and help people using what they learn (no pressure there!)

But.  I have been blessed with an inquisitive, engaged class who seem to be willing to overlook when I trail off at the end of the sentence (I do this all the time, not just teaching...).  They comment, ask, challenge, laugh with me.  They are diverse, from early 20s to 60s.  I even {thank you serendipity) have a student who was in a class I TAed a few years ago--a friendly face in the crowd of newness. So it's good.  I leave exhilarated and charged.

And then the haunting begins again.  
I really don't know how REAL teachers do it who teach every. single. day.  Hats off.

"Teaching is the greatest act of optimism" ~ Colleen Wilcox

"...and the greatest act of insecurity, nervousness, and exhilaration" ~ Annie

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Reader Comments (15)

First off --hooray to me for being comment ❶. But this is not about me. Hooray to you for conquering the two hours again and again. And another hooray to us both since now we can be best friends. As soon as you said "Better off Dead" I heard in my head "I want my two dollars" in that raspy paper boy voice. That and the boiled bacon. Next week ask your class how they feel about boiled bacon for an attention getter--should make for some good conversation.

01.27.2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

Better off dead...John Cusack at his best, well, and Grosse Point Blank!

I am sure you class is amazing...once you have the passion for the subject, the rest takes care of itself!

01.27.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarla

I would love to take your class. Those are some lucky students. You are a wise woman.

01.27.2009 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

I wanna be in your class! You will do fine. The short time our paths crossed tells me that you will be one of the best. I just wish I could be in your class.

01.27.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

if you try to hang yourself, i'll know one of two things:

1. you like the movie WAY too much


2. the two hours got the best of you.

01.27.2009 | Unregistered Commenterandrea

Your students are lucky lucky lucky!!!!

And you are amazing amazing amazing! I get nervous about my two hours of singing time, for goodness sake!

01.28.2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa-Marie

Better of Dead rocks. And I believe I would love to be your student. I feel better knowing that you are influencing those who will shape the lives of those in need through social work.

01.28.2009 | Unregistered Commentermartha corinna

Oh, Better Off Dead. Classic. I always quote to Josh (besides the two dollar line), "Fronch bread, fronch fries, fronch toast..." I love that movie in all its stupid glory.

I am so proud of you and your teaching self! I've seen you teach at church and you are a natural. I'll bet it's the same thing at school.

01.28.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

I just wish I could attend your class. But I guess a video conference would add to the nerves.

01.28.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

I completely understand how nervous that would make you--but HOW FUN. I love teaching and at the college level just sounds dreamy. Lucky you!

01.28.2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

Loved Better Off Dead! I would be so, so nervous if I were you. I can almost get my stomach in knots just thinking about how nervous I would be. I am sure you are amazing though. wish I could be a fly on the wall..

01.28.2009 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

Every time I spend two dollars, I say "two dollars" just like the paperboy-too funny! I am in awe of you-anyone that can teach a college course, that has all the information and can pass it on to others is superb! You are amazing and I'm sure your students look forward with anticipation to their "two hours" with Ms. _____

[from calibosmom, edited to take the last name out :)]

01.29.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I want my $2...classic!

You must be an amazing and thought-provoking teacher. In my opinion, getting scared by something but doing it anyway is the secret to staying young!

01.29.2009 | Unregistered Commentergab

annie- Leslie from segullah- thanks for your comment!

I can't believe all we have in common- I used to teach human development at the college level and parenting at BYU--

oh how I love lifespan development-I am constantly invoking erik erikson psychosocial theory in much of my daily conversations!

01.29.2009 | Unregistered Commentersmart mama

I KNOW that feeling so well. Smacks of the fact that the most good and the most reward come from the most effort, planning and energy. Whether that is always true or not, I'm not sure. But it is certainly true much of the time.
Great piece!

01.30.2009 | Unregistered Commentercbentley

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