

Hi, I'm Annie.

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Louie, Louie



Louie the dog is cracking me up lately. He's decided to become Sam's long lost brother (from a different mother). Notice how he's holding the paper for Sam's coloring page*? And how fascinated he is by the whole process? I see you're using the red crayon, Sam. Good choice. I might have gone with magenta but clearly you know your way around a coloring page. This is how he is all day long: interested and involved. I unload the dishwasher several times a day but each time, it's the most fascinating thing in the world to Louie.

Wow! Dishes go in there, huh?
And then where do they....oh....in the cupboard. I get it.

Of course, he wasn't such a fan when his collar got caught somehow on the empty dishwasher rack and he pulled it out and across the kitchen floor, attached to his neck. Unexpected! The sky is falling! He's a little more wary of it now.

The other thing that never fails to make us laugh is his response to either (a) phone messages on our machine or (b) sirens. Oh, my. He howls and howls like a wolf on the prairie. I'm pretty sure he thinks the sirens are other dogs asking for his help and advice and support. Not sure what the answering machine is all about. Maybe he just misses me.

Oh, Louie. If only you didn't still steal things from the table. And jump up on shy little Chinese students. Then you'd be almost perfect.

*we had a lovely, lazy Sunday listening to conference talks at home, eating fresh picked apples and pumpkin bread, most of us remaining in pajamas all day. Sam (above) set up projects on the floor where Louie joined him.

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Reader Comments (8)

You know how when people talk about how sweet and precious their newborns are, and it makes you want one?

YEAH. This makes me want a dog. BAD.

10.6.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

He looks like a sweet doggie and I love his Phantom of the Opera look. He looks like the kind of dog you want to run around outside with or snuggle up on the couch with. How is your little student adjusting?

10.6.2009 | Unregistered Commentercalibosmom

Brock would kill for that kind of canine companionship and loyalty.

(sigh...I am a bad mother...)

10.6.2009 | Unregistered Commenterseven smiles

I think I heard Louie in the background today! Thanks so much for the pep talk, Annie. You are a true friend. (I'll let you know how it goes...)

10.6.2009 | Unregistered Commentergab

louie howls because the voice on the machine is not sam's. change it to sam and see if he still howls. THEN you'll have a theory...

My dog howls at sirens, too. BAD!

10.7.2009 | Unregistered CommenterRochelleht

I think that might be the cutest dog in all of creation.

10.7.2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

Ah, boy and his dog. Classic chums. Louie is a real character, and has such a sweet spirit about him. Hug him and Sam for me.

10.8.2009 | Unregistered Commentercbentley

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