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Vday is coming! Vday is coming!

...as Paul Revere would say, urgently.
I love Valentine's Day.  Growing up, my mom would find ways to secretly put things on our front porch (when she "went to take the garbage out" maybe?) and then ring the doorbell and run.  We would open the door to an assembly of fun little gifties (a heart-shaped pin, a little pencil with a heart eraser, some candy).  Lovely.

Then I grew up a little more and Valentine's Day was all about reading between the lines of the class valentines.  Sure, everyone gave one to everyone but was there an underlying reason that Eddie gave me one with "doggone it, you're wonderful, valentine" on it? (Answer:no.)  Or why someone signed their name love, Mark??  (Again: no.)  Oh, the code breaking (and the heartbreak)!

I still love Valentine's Day. But sometimes it kind of sneaks up on me and I run out to CVS on 2/14 for some quick Valentines treats.  If you're in that boat, too, here are couple of easy + fun ideas I've spotted.

First, if you have kids who need to take a little Valentines card or goodie to school, consider our favorites: Valentine airplanes.

 I posted here (and the year before that but who's counting?) about how to make them.  Basically smarties + a piece of gum + two lifesavers + a cute tag = low fuss Valentines sweetness.  We have made them for--oh--7 years now and they really are a hit.

I've been trying to think what to make/give G for Valentines.  Then I saw this today and decided it could be the perfect thing.  We used to be faithful letter writers--we dated long distance for quite a while, after all--and it's something I'd like to revive.  An envelope book with lots of places to tuck notes and letters, past and present seems like just the thing. Love this!  I think kids would love one as well, a Jolly Postman-type book filled with letters just for them.

Just wondering: What was your best Valentine's Day ever?

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Reader Comments (12)

I remember in 4th grade I didn't want the boys getting the wrong idea so I wrote stuff like, just kidding on my valentines. It kind of backfired.

Love the airplanes.

02.7.2009 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

now i'm going to have this nagging feeling that valentines day is brittish.

i love the book idea. may try to implement. thanks.

02.7.2009 | Unregistered Commenterandrea

I too love Valentines. My oldest son was born that day and it's always been the very sweetest of hoidays at our house. We decorate, make all kinds of heart shaped confections and leave love notes around the house all month long.

The gift for your hubby looks brilliant-- more details please.

xoxo, m

02.8.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

ok, I just found the details on the book- kinda overwhelming but so lovely.

02.8.2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

I remember your Valentine's post from last year. I am in awe of the creativity. The little airplanes are fantastic.

02.8.2009 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

I'm glad you posted those early this year. In years past, I'd see that and think, Dang! Why didn't I do that? Now I don't have to, as we haven't started the classmate valentines yet. God bless you and your awesome ideas!

02.9.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

What a sweet idea.
(The envelope book, though the airplanes are nice, too...)

{Did you make it to the movies this weekend?
We (B & I-- I didn't make it alone)saw "He's Not That into You". Chock-full of all that crazy decoding...}

have a great week :)

02.9.2009 | Unregistered Commenterseven smiles

i love the book idea. so great! i loved decorating my shoe box for valentine's day at school. i remember getting a valentine from a really cute boy and it had hearts on it and said he liked me. found out later that his sister's wrote all the valentines and wrote the same thing to all the girls. big bummer. :(

02.10.2009 | Unregistered CommenterNells-Bells

Thanks for your lovely blog. My best Valentine's Day ever was a couple years ago when we had just lost our job and had very little. We stopped at my mother-in-law's to wish her a Happy Valentine's and as I reached in the car to get my son out of his car seat I saw a red heart in his hand that said "his name" loves Mommy. I took it from his hand (he was still looking at it a bit puzzled) and on the back was the equation C+W=4ever. I was expecting exactly nothing and here was a thoughtful gift from my best boys. A cardboard heart my dearest had painted (taped with red tape around the edges so the carboard didn't peek through) and gave to me through the most precious gift we'd been given. I still have it framed on my wall. Thanks for letting me share.

02.11.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChiska

thanks to your post last year, we will again be making our smarties airplanes after school today--I'll be thinking of you!

02.11.2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

thanks to your post last year, we will again be making our smarties airplanes after school today--I'll be thinking of you!

02.11.2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

sorry annie, that's embarrassing and I don't know how to do the "this comment has been deleted by the author"--my apologies.

02.11.2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

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