Smallish pleasures
~ attending the 5th grade choral concert, where eager high-pitched voices coming from animated and excited faces blended with reluctant mumbly, too-cool-for-this ones. What a study in the different rates of child development!
Hi, I'm Annie.
Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.
Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness.
A few posts to get you started:
Passing the bridge of sighs
A modest proposal
+ modest proposal part 2
Adeste fideles
Uncurbed enthusiasm
Liner notes to growing up
Sunday dinner @ 135
Playing big
In praise of late bloomers
Bless her heart
+paging EB White
+waiting room
Nine and a half
Madeleine, 16
Keystone parents
She holds these truths
Louie, Louie
Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me.
More at my tumblr, Gather
and at my Pinterest pinboards
~ attending the 5th grade choral concert, where eager high-pitched voices coming from animated and excited faces blended with reluctant mumbly, too-cool-for-this ones. What a study in the different rates of child development!
Reader Comments (11)
I want to see a picture of you in your motorcycle jacket.
Finally noticing definition in my abs after months of hard work(this is a small pleasure because no one really sees my stomach, it's just for me).
Since there is now definition, eating short bread cookies and truffled buttered egg noodles. The best thing in the whole world.
I know you will appreciate this, seeing the YW start to serve each other. I had no idea that I would find so much pleasure in that.
Thanks for asking.
mmmm.... avocado...
ewwww... headgear....
my simple pleasure is wifi at karate class, so i can read your blog while my kids legally kick the crud out of each other.
mmmm.... avocado...
ewwww... headgear....
my simple pleasure is wifi at karate class, so i can read your blog while my kids legally kick the crud out of each other.
loved your little pleasures Annie! 2 other things--1:as for a fun trip with G, if everything works out C and I will be jetting off next weekend to points abroad (really just because he's working there but I don't mind). If it works out I'll let you know. And 2:I just read your "mind the gap" post. The first time I heard that on the underground (and for quite a while after) I thought it was a nice, uniting, bridging the racial, cultural barriers kind of social message. I thought those Brits were so smart, then I figured out their just telling you not to trip in the whole. Ha Ha, but something tells me I've said all this to you before. Oh well, I'm nothing if not repetitive, thanks for making it through this long comment. And I will think of you as I sit with my hubby watching our beloved Friday Night LIghts!
down comforters
shoveling at twilight
perfectt grapefruits
Come to San Diego. I have a pool.
I too want to see a pic of you in your new jacket.
Oranges, grapefruit, and lemons on our fruit trees.
Palm trees swaying in the backyard.
Now do you want to come?
Must see picture of this cool jacket. That is SO cool your grandparents are on Facebook! Wow. Also, go to Chicago with G. Just because that's where I want to go on my next childless getaway with the husband. And lastly, nothing beats a perfect avocado.
Shopping all morning for someone else's baby, coming home to a crisp diet coke, and not caring that I gained so much weight over the weekend.
Come here! Come here! Meet me in St. Louis...
Snuggling under a warm blanket with hubby and all three kids watching Idol-it's our new family favorite.
HOT showers because I'm sooo cold!
Almond Rocca
I'll let you know how Sedona is
Loved your list of delights.
A few more:
The miracle of hot running water. How do it do it? And related to that, a nice half-hour soak in a hot bath with bubbles, reading a good book. (Right now, a novel about a retired single former educator woman who just decides to live in Venice for six months - love it!)
A plate of cheeses and fruit and Black Pepper Triscuits.
Dinner with new, fun neighbors with lots of laughter and deep discussion.
Knowing that my children are all relatively happy.
Anticipating the Oscars, after a year of outstanding films. PJ's will be the dress this year.
Comfy PJ's
A kiss goodnight and "I love you" from the man I chose to live with more than 41 years ago.
Grandchildren who are loving, happy and healthy.
Have a great date with G and Andrew Bird. He will be in SLC but I think it is sold out.
i too want to see a picture of your motorcyle-style jacket.
i love the way my kids look in the morning: fresh, sleepy-eyed, disheveled. and all they want to do is snuggle with me.
i also love getting on the scale, after 5 weeks of hard working out, and seeing i am 10 lbs lighter! :)