

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness. 

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Mama, Ph.D.: Women Write About Motherhood and Academic LifeMountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the WorldThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the PieThe Island: A NovelThe PassageSecret Spaces of Childhood

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Entries in small pleasures (43)


Summer obsession #2

Cheap Foster Grant aviators. I bought these in desperation at a drug store two years ago for about $9. I adore them and hope they last forever because I can't find their twin anywhere. Luckily, they were cheap so I will never lose them. (I only lose expensive ones, of course!) I wear them and channel Tami Taylor

Which leads me to summer obsession #2b. This summer I've introduced Maddy to Friday Night Lights. (It's our little treat together now and then. I think 16 is a good age to get it and it's also a fabulous entree to some good discussions about issues brought up in the show. Because it's not without its prickly issues, y'all.)

So, anyway. I've been re-immersed in Tami Taylor appreciation lately. (Seriously, is there a graduate program to become Tami Taylor? Because I'd enroll.) I know I've already sung its praises several times here through the years but it's such a terrific show. And my favorite t.v. portrayal of a real, true, imperfect, loving marriage. If you're looking to get immersed in a series this summer, you could treat yourself to FNL. Clear eyes, full hearts can't lose.

Okay, I won't go all crazy with clips but here's the final promo trailer encompassing scenes from the entire series: 


Summer obsession #1


Oh, my friends, if you have not yet experienced the deliciousness of these two lovelies, you are in for a treat. REAL fruit. 80 calories. I could eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and, admittedly, I have). Obviously, you have to like pineapple and/or coconut in the first place. I keep thinking the coconut one would be divine dipped in chocolate...  Go. Get them. I'll wait here (in some parts of the country it's under Dreyer's).

p.s. Edy's doesn't know I exist. I just love these all on my own.


Oh, please

...let me be this awesome when I'm older. Please, please, please.


This made my day, truly. (My own dad [though, let it be noted, he is much younger that this] enjoys creative license on song lyrics, too.)

Happy Friday!


Small joys today

I've been pretty eeyore-ish lately. I can see that, looking through my last handful of posts. But there are still those daily glimmers, some small joys to notice and celebrate:

~ stumbling upon The Waltons while Maddy and I cleaned out our closets and sorted through old clothes the last two afternoons. So wholesome, so days-gone-by. I always thought Olivia was a beautiful, wise mom and had a little crush on Jim-Bob (hey! he could fix lots of things!). I still dream of a white farmhouse on a mountain...

~ my newly-weeded out closet

~ my sunny office/crafty room, formerly Maddy's bedroom (+ she's happy to now have the former studio for her room):

~ installing long-owned items with lingering good (inactive) intentions, like these ledges that are still works in progress but much better on the wall than in the box:

~ finding quick solutions to my problems today via Facebook: a dog sitter and a CSA crate picker upper. Who knew that all I needed to do was post a status and all my wishes could come true? Thanks, Facebook friends. 

~ watching this video, which makes me want to (a) join in and (b) get some vintage dresses (let's bring back hats! yes?) (via kotke.)

So that's how I'm trying to outrun Eeyore who is, after all, a slow small donkey. Not to mention fictional.
What small joys have you found today?


Now I see...

Sam learned this on the ukelele for Maddy because it's one of her favorites.
I made him re-enact singing it for her for the first time because my camera didn't catch the audio the first time.
Hence, the hint of reluctance on his part.

I adore it.

(Via the awesome 8mm app & my iphone camera.)

p.s. Sorry about the finger sneaking in there. Also, church is already canceled tomorrow, thanks to Irene. Everyone stay safe out there!