Entries in small pleasures (43)
Oh for the love of movies
I'm a bit of a movie geek.
Bostony weekend
In New England, we seem to wait all winter lonnnng (all 6.5 months of it) for a lovely, blooming weekend like the one we just had. Now that the dreary grey and brown landscape has perked up again, I can fall a bit in love with New England again. Blue skies (full disclosure: with a little showers in the morning). Sunny. Light breezes. As luck would have it, when that particular kind of Saturday rolled around we had some great reasons to be out and about enjoying it.
March of Dimes walk in the morning along the Charles.
Holy Boston baked beans! Now I remember why we like it here...
Adele and me
For our anniversary gifts to each other in February, G and I went through the schedules for events this year in Boston and chose a handful that we would enjoy together. (What a treat. I think we'll do it every year...it's the gift that keeps on giving! Plus it makes me feel zesty to be out on the town with my guy.)
One of the ones we (read=me. I influenced this decision.) chose was Adele, Saturday May 2nd at the Orpheum. Oh, I love me some Adele. As the night drew closer we started realizing we had a problem. Both of our babysitter daughters had commitments that couldn't be changed and Sam's too young to stay home alone. But we had a plan B.
And my favorite (already posted here; I'm redundant), a cover of the Bob Dylan song:
Also good:
Best for Last
Right as Rain
I was so glad I went.
But sorry not to share it with someone.
Witness to serendipity
Today I was meeting with a guy about a potential project. We had never met but only spoken on the phone and via email. After discussing lots of options for locations (suburbs? office? city? cafe?), we settled on a cafe near a subway stop in Somerville (right outside of Boston). Convenient and both of us knew where it was.