G arrives tonight after a full workweek in Boston (and braving delayed flights and closed airports on the east coast). Let the games begin!
Hi, I'm Annie.
Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.
Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness.
A few posts to get you started:
Passing the bridge of sighs
A modest proposal
+ modest proposal part 2
Adeste fideles
Uncurbed enthusiasm
Liner notes to growing up
Sunday dinner @ 135
Playing big
In praise of late bloomers
Bless her heart
+paging EB White
+waiting room
Nine and a half
Madeleine, 16
Keystone parents
She holds these truths
Louie, Louie
Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me.
More at my tumblr, Gather
and at my Pinterest pinboards
Sleeping in a bit (except Louie)
French toast made by G
Listening to WWII music throughout the day
(thanks to the 40's station on our DirectTV)
Reading outside
(is there anything better?)
Lauren making a movie with her friends
(a disaster movie about a hurricane, I believe.
They're filming a water scene in the river.
It's for school.)
Sam's first lawn mowing tutorial from his dad
Mandatory weeding time
(awww, Dad, it's a holiday!)
Dinner with friends here in our backyard
(pulled pork sandwiches and homemade ice cream. Mmmm...)
& missing taking part in leaving flowers
on loved ones' graves with family in the west
Have a great day,
both remembering
and making new memories
I enjoyed this National Anthem performance
posted this morning by Calibosmom
& thought I'd pass it along...
* * *
I'm trying not to do my typical mental leaping ahead "to the uncertain harvest," which for me can be anything as soon as what will we have for dinner? to distant worries like am I giving them enough to prepare them for their lives? where will they go to college? will they find both work to do that gives them joy and someone to love? I need days like today with Sam to remind me how delicious it is to simply enjoy the springing of the year. Nothing more, no agendas, no mental leaping. Just here + now.
A red, white, and blue airmail envelope
with sheets and sheets of thin crinkly paper
filled with information and stories
and discussion of child development in developing countries
and love from Mali.
Those red and blue edged white envelopes
used to make my heart go pitter pat (and still do)
back when I was corresponding with
(okay, I'll admit it)
a handful of young men serving abroad.
And in my formative years
my grandpa Pax would send lovely detailed letters
about the flower boxes in Germany
the oompa bands passing by his seat in a sidewalk cafe
the mountains the foods the accents the smiles in Italy
the warmth the richness the spicy smells in Turkey.
I don't have to look far to figure out where I got my wanderlust...