Summer obsession #1
Oh, my friends, if you have not yet experienced the deliciousness of these two lovelies, you are in for a treat. REAL fruit. 80 calories. I could eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and, admittedly, I have). Obviously, you have to like pineapple and/or coconut in the first place. I keep thinking the coconut one would be divine dipped in chocolate... Go. Get them. I'll wait here (in some parts of the country it's under Dreyer's).
p.s. Edy's doesn't know I exist. I just love these all on my own.
Reader Comments (4)
Oh, and? Their "antioxidant" blend of Popsicles is divine as well.
NO FREAKING WAY. I am totally OBSESSED with the coconut ones. I literally eat them EVERY DAY. Pineapple sounds delish, too, but I can't pull myself away from the coconut ones long enough to try anything else. My kids love them all. Strawberry, lemonade, lime... YUM. Best treat ever.
We were meant to be friends. We like all the same stuff.
They have some coconut bars at Costco, I took them out of the package and hid them individually all over the freezer so that my children couldn't find them.
Oooooh, yummy! I must go find some right now. I've got some curious-looking fruit bars in the freezer that have enough frost fur on them that I suspect they might be 3 years old. Time for a restock with fresh yummy cold things. These I haven't seen yet, so I will have to go on a treasure hunt. Too tempting!