Small joys today
I've been pretty eeyore-ish lately. I can see that, looking through my last handful of posts. But there are still those daily glimmers, some small joys to notice and celebrate:
~ stumbling upon The Waltons while Maddy and I cleaned out our closets and sorted through old clothes the last two afternoons. So wholesome, so days-gone-by. I always thought Olivia was a beautiful, wise mom and had a little crush on Jim-Bob (hey! he could fix lots of things!). I still dream of a white farmhouse on a mountain...
~ my newly-weeded out closet
~ my sunny office/crafty room, formerly Maddy's bedroom (+ she's happy to now have the former studio for her room):
~ installing long-owned items with lingering good (inactive) intentions, like these ledges that are still works in progress but much better on the wall than in the box:
~ finding quick solutions to my problems today via Facebook: a dog sitter and a CSA crate picker upper. Who knew that all I needed to do was post a status and all my wishes could come true? Thanks, Facebook friends.
~ watching this video, which makes me want to (a) join in and (b) get some vintage dresses (let's bring back hats! yes?) (via kotke.)
So that's how I'm trying to outrun Eeyore who is, after all, a slow small donkey. Not to mention fictional.
What small joys have you found today?
Reader Comments (3)
When you say you "stumbl[ed] upon the Waltons," do you mean the DVDs? I LOVE the Waltons. In fact, I've been eyeing the complete collection for some time. I grew up watching Little House on the Prarie followed by The Waltons. I love how they make do on so little, how Ma and Grandma make the best dinners, how John Boy wants to be a writer...and becomes just that. And what about Mary Ellen? First she marries a doctor (trite) and then she becomes a doctor. I love it all. The simpler life. Grandpa. Baby goats in the barn.
I need to get a life.
Well, actually we stumbled upon a channel that has the Waltons EVERY DAY. (Hallmark). The way I wrote the post, it kind of sounds like we stumbled upon the whole Walton family, living out their lives in the back of the closet. Oh, hello, Waltons. Come on out y'all.
I, personally, am very fond of Eeyore.
And YES! Lets! We should bring back hats. Probably easier said and done on the East Coast than here.
We are in the whirlwind of the first weeks of school and everything else, and right now the schedule feels overwhelming. I am looking forward to early October when we've settled in, college football season is in full swing, and I'll be able to catch my breath. So my small joys, aside from chocolate, are looking forward.
Oh, my baby is walking and it's so darn cute, definitely a small joy, but awfully melancholy at the same time. I guess that's how life is, eh?