

Hi, I'm Annie.

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Oh, hello exercise!

Where have I been, you ask?

Oh, you know.  Around.  In bed, some mornings.  Or running here and there (but, no, admittedly not that kind of running.) There are several things that I re-learn. Again and again. And again.  And this is one of them: I am happier when I exercise.

Why do I forget how great it makes me feel? Why does languishing in bed start to rule over feeling energized and lightened and vervey?  (I relate to this New Balance ad "morning") Well, I'm back after a month or two of junky sloth. Feels good. Exercise + happy music=even better:

Meanwhile, where's Maddy in China?
Saturday she went to see the pandas at the Beijing Zoo, then the Spirit Way.
Sunday she went to the Temple of Heaven (how very Sabbathy) and the Hongquiao Market. Then the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the State Grand Theater in the afternoon & evening. Then they took the night sleeper train to Xi'an.
Today she went to the Han Yanling Tomb, then to a welcome lunch at the Sunshine School and met her host family (please say an extra prayer for her tonight...this is the part she was nervous about).  For the next few days, she'll attend middle school in Xi'an.

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Reader Comments (8)

I'm with you on this. I ask myself the same question. All it takes it a short time away from exercise to remind me how much I love sleeping in each morning. Then the flip side is all it's takes is a couple of energetic workouts to remind me how good exercise makes me feel. So... life goes on and I continue the battle.

04.21.2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

Ditto Anna.
But "Hello Spring!" is a good start.
We took a beautiful five-mile walk yesterday morning, and my comment to my husband was "We should take a five mile hike every morning." We should, really.

04.21.2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

See, I exercise all the time, but I still feel like crap because I eat a pound of cookie dough every night.

WHY does it have to be so hard???

04.22.2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

this was an inspired post as i'm heading back to the gym tomorrow morning after a 3-week hiatus. i needed to be reminded that exercise makes me happy. thanks for reminding me of the prince track. a great tune. i thought i'd share that the killers, particularly the tracks "spaceman," "human," "all these things that i've done," and "bodyrock" by moby are great for the treadmill.

04.22.2009 | Unregistered CommenterTherese

I KNOW I feel better when I work out, but it's so hard sometimes. After this post I am running tomorrow. Thanks

04.22.2009 | Unregistered CommenterHazen5

I am so jealous of Maddy's trip! Sound so fun. I know what you mean about the exercising. There are a million other things that always need to be done but someone excerising make me better able to tackle them later.

04.22.2009 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

i have a small problem. i love your posts so much, and i always want to leave well-thought out comments. so i read them in my google reader, and then plan to come back and comment on them after i've thought them out well.

but lately i've been forgetting to come back. i'm sorry.

mostly i love hearing about maddy. this is one heck of an adventure she's on, and i find the updates fascinating. i can't wait to see her pictures!

Hi Annie
I have enjoyed catching up with your blog today. I had missed so much. I loved those built in bed pictures you shared. We have 2 tiny bedrooms and 2 acceptable sized ones too. Our two tiny ones are used as an office and a spare room. I hate the spare room as it's always full of stuff! You sound to have so many wonderful childhood memories in the cabin your grandfather built.
Wow... Maddy in China. Jessica is so impressed. I hope you share more about her trip when she returns.
Best Wishes

04.23.2009 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay-ann

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