

Hi, I'm Annie.

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Dreaming of locomotives


If someone doesn't talk me out of it quickly, I think I just might book a train journey for this summer. Sam and I are going to California for my cousin's wedding in July (G has to work, the girls have camp, then afterwards we'll all meet in Utah for a family reunion) and my latest brightshinydistraction is the thought of taking the train across the country from Boston to LA.  Brilliant or delusional? I can't tell. 

We are leaving today for Utah to visit family and tour colleges over spring break.  Maybe as I fly over all of those cornfields and mountains, I'll rethink a three-day trip ch-ch-chugging all those miles.  But right now, I'm in love with the idea.

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Reader Comments (7)

Do it! You will have more interesting experiences than if you were on an airplane! I took the train from LA to Denver once and it was fantastic.

04.18.2010 | Unregistered CommenterEllen Patton

Sounds very romantic!
Think of the adventures you'll have--you'll be helping Sam to brave the world in a whole new way!

04.18.2010 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

My neighbor did this very trip. She flew to Chicago where she boarded the train bound for LA. She was on the train for 2 nights and three days. It's quite an experience. She said that 2 days on the train is enough. The shower stall in the bathrooms also have the toilet and sink in the same stall. I guess there is no such thing as one person taking a shower and another person using the toilet simultaneously. Mmmm... think about the possibilities of saving time, two people could shower and use the toilet at the same time if you really wanted to do so.

She suggested flying to Chicago the day before the train leaves as her friend flew on the same day and missed the train due to airline difficulties and delays.

04.18.2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

Why not? I think it would be an adventure you would never forget-good times and crazy times. Just keep in mind, you will be his main source of entertainment when the DS and books get boring. I say go for it!!!

04.19.2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

i agree with anna- fly halfway and train the other half. i think that should be enough to give you your fix and still retain the romantic notion.

04.19.2010 | Unregistered Commenterandrea

I dream of taking the train across Canada. I hear it is very romantic and beautiful. Someday. I can't wait to see what you do.

04.20.2010 | Unregistered Commentermartha

Hi Annie
I enjoyed catching up with your blog today. You MUST take that train ride. I would love to do that one day. I would take the train over the plane anyday despite how long it would take. Lindsay + Planes = Aaaaaarrrrrghhhhhh!
Lauren looked gorgeous in her prom dress. The kids over here have proms now but they never did when I was that age. Hope your trip to Utah is going well.
Best Wishes

04.23.2010 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay

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