Liner notes 16-20
16. Enthusiasm is cooler than cool is. Go all in.
17. Righty tighty. Lefty loosey.
18. Value experiences over things. You've heard this; it's one of our family's informal mottos. If you have the chance to see the world through someone else's eyes, to enrich and expand and even challenge what you already know, take it. It's one of the important things we're here to do.
19. A little mystery is a good thing. Shut the bathroom door, for instance.
20. If you see someone you know, go say hi.
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With the first of my children leaving home in the next few months, I'm writing occasional (weeklyish) Liner Notes, bits of advice to my kids concerning my take on how to be a gracious, awesome grown-up-type person (both trivial bits and major advice). Why "liner notes"? Because, back in the day, I pored over the liner notes of my cds, curious to find the story behind the music. That's what I hope this will be: the story behind the music of growing up and setting off on your own. (Or at least a ready-made catalog of how you can avoid making my mistakes.) Feel free to chime in! What would you add?
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photo of Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong by Phil Stern, 1952
Reader Comments (5)
LOVE #16. I'm always trying to instill that in my kids.
I would love it if you published this. So great. Especially if you could publish it as actual liner notes. You don't even need a CD - just the little booklet. How awesome would that be?
#20. (Or) If you see someone you THINK you know riding on the subway with you, go say hi.
Haha! Touche, Jenny.
Number 19 is an absolute necessity. Amen to a little privacy and mystery.