

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness. 

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Liner notes 21-26

21. Find and emulate good mentors. Personal mentors, spiritual mentors, academic and professional mentors--whether in person or distant, they light the way toward the person you were meant to be. Wonder about what makes them so terrific. Notice what makes them tick, what their habits are. Use those things as a pattern for your own self. (Then, of course, thank them for their inspiration.) 

22. On a related note, sometimes you have to fake it 'til you make it/make a leap of faith. Not all the time. But every once in a while, you'll feel kind of like an imposter when you first _______ (become a parent, start a job, graduate from college, fulfill a calling). It's okay; make the first steps, get out there and the way will appear beneath you (thank you, Kierkegaard and Raiders of the Lost Ark).  

23. Learn a little ballroom dancing. You never know when you'll be invited somewhere (wedding? ball? inauguration?) that it'll come in handy. But until then, when in doubt on the dance floor and some kind of ballroomish dancing is required, just step forward together, side together, back together, side together, making a kind of square.

24.  Sunscreen, baby. Every single time.

25. Embrace a little fear. Do it anyway. Recognize it as a little signal that you're giving yourself the chance to grow.

26. Read the paper, listen to the news, be able to discuss issues intelligently. Get your information from lots of sources, not just the ones that confirm what you already thought you knew. When you don't agree with someone, be willing to listen to their point of view and articulate yours with respect and kindness.

. . .

With the first of my children leaving home in the next few weeks, I'm writing occasional (weeklyish) Liner Notes, bits of advice to my kids concerning my take on how to be a gracious, awesome grown-up-type person (both trivial bits and major advice). Why "liner notes"? Because, back in the day, I pored over the liner notes of my cds, curious to find the story behind the music. That's what I hope this will be: the story behind the music of growing up and setting off on your own. (Or at least a ready-made catalog of how you can avoid making my mistakes.) Feel free to chime in! What would you add?

. . .

photo from Lilibet Circus Child via 

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Reader Comments (4)

I know I say this every time, but I truly love these. Such simple, yet profound words that everyone needs to know. Even 37-year-olds who think they already know everything. :-)

07.29.2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

These are great! I'd like to add something to #26 though. If you are not up to date on an issue (which is often the case for me), don't BS your way through it pretending you do. It's ok to ask questions when you don't know or don't understand and it makes people feel smart when they can explain something.

07.29.2011 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

These just really tug at my heartstrings!
I think you should publish a little liner notes vade mecum.
I really do.

07.29.2011 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

Sunscreen. Word.

07.29.2011 | Unregistered Commentermartha

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