

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness. 

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Mama, Ph.D.: Women Write About Motherhood and Academic LifeMountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the WorldThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the PieThe Island: A NovelThe PassageSecret Spaces of Childhood

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Whoops, did I say I was going to post monthly family photos and summaries of our doings?  Don't look too hard for February's entry.  But then again, that's February for you: Good intentions, dreary execution.

But here is today's March entry, with a photo taken in the two minutes before Sam ran out the door to piano lessons.  Louie came up to the camera to check things out (maybe bomb-sniffing dog potential? he can earn his retainer reimbursement money! [see below]) just as the shutter clicked.  Classic.  For the record, none of us liked this photo: Lauren didn't like her hair, Sam was goofy, my bangs never cooperate and I swear that double chin is no longer welcome here, Maddy is blurry, and G is nowhere to be seen.  Perfect, I say (except the G missing part). Real.

So what to say about us this month?

Sam got his braces off, then 6 days later Louie delighted in finding his retainer case and chomped it, snapping the retainer cleanly in half.  I think we now hold the record for fastest return to the orthodontist for a new retainer.  Go, W family pride!

I have not exercised once this month.  And I have quit eating sugar 6 times this month but the mini Cadbury eggs have gotten the better of me every single time. My house is too close to a neighborhood grocery store that stocks Cadbury for me to exercise self control.  And I don't walk there, I drive.  Still, I am inspired by all my marathon training, vegan eating friends out there. I'm living vicariously through them for now, but inspired.

After a long hiatus we have started reading a book out loud together when we can.  I just may have been inspired in part by this article about a dad and daughter who read aloud together every night until she left for college.  Fantastic.  So, what are your suggestions for read-alouds with kids (ages 11-16)? Over the years we've done Harry Potters, Under Sea Over Stone, Hunger Games, Little Women, King in the Window, The Wheel on the School, a bunch of EB Whites... How about you?

Speaking of good articles, do you use Delicious?  I have started bookmarking articles there that I find interesting and I'd love to know what you're reading, too. Drop me a comment or an email if you have a delicious account so I can check out your favorite articles, too.

Yesterday, we watched the old musical Carousel.  I had forgotten about all that talk of Billy beating and hitting Julie Jordan. Billy! It's not okay. Still, that scene at the end when he comes back to earth to make everything all right for his daughter...Sigh. I think it's ripe for a revival. I'm picturing Hugh Jackman as Billy Bigelow, maybe Katie Clark as Julie Jordan. 

Lauren took the SATs this month; I think she finds out tomorrow how she did.  I'm finding myself to be in complete denial about this whole college idea. Right now she's looking into USU, BYU, Westminster, Washington University in St. Louis (hey Christie!), and Emory. But it changes weekly. Trying to strike the balance of being supportive/interested without falling into the zone of over-controlling on one side and complete denial on the other is a challenge.

Maddy delights us with her jaunty zesty fashion sense.  She puts scarves and layers and sparkly shoes and leggings together like nobody's business.  

She's been dreading violin lessons lately and we had a long tearful talk in the parking lot for 15 minutes before she went in. Oh the pressure she puts on herself, that girl.  I basically gave her a license to fail gloriously, here's your license to mess up, Maddy.  To make mistakes and slop your way through something and not be the best.  Just be the one who has fun doing it. Don't worry about the recital and measuring up. Just flail your arms around and make music for you.  My two girls could give each other lessons: one has extra doses of laidbackness, the other has conscientiousness to spare. It's too bad they can't just ladle a little into the other's cup.

Finally, it has been brought to my attention that I do not post very many pictures of myself.  Here ya go, circa today, proof that I do indeed exist: 


                      beyond here there be thighs...

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Reader Comments (13)

I *love* that last picture of you, Annie! You look great. (I love the jaunty eyebrow, too.)
Great to see you last week - must do it more often.

04.1.2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

I noticed that the Fablehaven books by Brandon Mull are not on the list of already been read books. They are fabulous! The fifth book just came out. Romney stole it before I could read it, but he finished it in record time and now it is my turn. If you haven't read them, they are a must read. You will all love them.

04.1.2010 | Unregistered CommenterSusie

Your March posting is kinda like my visiting teaching-the very last day of the month. Love the picture-perfect (except G of course). I just started reading Harry Potter with Solomon. Its been so long since I read it, its like I never read it before. Shannon Hale books are cute but maybe too young. I just reread all that and its very choppy-my thoughts have been that way as of late. By the way, you are looking fabulous!!! Also, I told Caleb to be on the lookout for Maddy at the next Concord dance. Not sure if she'll be there but Caleb will be. Let's do lunch soon. Maybe Mother's day?!

04.1.2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

I also love that last picture of you, you look so young and pretty.

04.2.2010 | Unregistered Commentermartha

You are so cute, Annie! I love the way you write, I love the way you decorate, I love the way you raise your kids. Go you!

04.2.2010 | Unregistered Commentergab

...one of these days our paths will cross!
You're lovely.
I'm admiring the bass in the corner.

04.2.2010 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

Are they too old for Madeline L'Engle? I have very fond memories of her books, but I can't remember how old I was when I read them. Also, all Kathrine Paterson is excellent, especially "Come Sing, Jimmy Jo," "The Great Gilly Hopkins," and "Jacob Have I Loved." If you want some other recommendations, my Dad has taught Adolescent Lit courses to college students for years and I can get a list from him.

Great pic of you and the kids, and terrific picture of you!

04.2.2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinsey

I love the family pic. For months now, Jane has complained about violin lessons. Last night, she decided she hates piano but loves violin. Can't win.

04.2.2010 | Unregistered CommenterRochelle

You are so beautiful, my friend. It is good to see some pics of you. I second who says we need to see you more often.

And WASH U? Lauren? Oh, could it be? I'd promise to not sit outside her dorm room and follow her to class, but man it would be fun to peek in on that girl now and then. Love her. Love your fam. Miss you all terribly.

We have our dates for Boston this summer. Will email you stat.

04.2.2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

Great post, Annie! Love the picture. These photos are the ones that ring so true and bring back those moments of laughter. Love Louie's nose or ear.
Love you!

04.2.2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarolyn

I love your updates. :)

04.2.2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle L.

I LOVE your family photo! Everyone looks HAPPY. That's what shines through instead of perfect hairI started Tara's project this month also and like you, headed right for the couch. lol! We are all akimbo in our picture too and I love that about it.

04.3.2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim

I love reading aloud to my kids! It is nice that they are still young and love for me to read to them. But I am excited for the day when we can start with longer, more difficult books. Noami is so into Wizard of Oz that I hope we can read the L. Frank Baum Oz books together one day, just like the man and his daughter in the article. I loved your post about conference/Easter weekend. It truly is the best weekend out of the year. Then October conference comes and I repeat that sentiment. You are beautiful! I love the self-portrait.

04.8.2010 | Unregistered CommenterNells-Bells

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