The mystery of you...(and where I've been)
As luck would have it, my brother Matt planned to come east from Denver right during the same weekend G and I were planning on heading to NYC. So Matt stopped by Boston, visited the kids, and then drove to the big city with us. G was busy during the days with a conference but the four siblings managed to get together a bit for a rare together time. So hyggli, so lucky!
How could I resist? Thank you Mr. Elbow Toe. So true.
Matt, Nancy, and I went to L'Ecole, the restaurant for the French Culinary Institute where students run the show. It was lovely. (Thanks to stephmodo for recommending it.)
We walked all around the city (I think I walked 12 miles one day), did The Highline, went to a couple of movies, ate at Hampton Chutney, browsed windows and a used bookstore, talked and talked, attended evensong at St. Thomas Cathedral.
Yesterday I was on my own so I spent the day at the Met and in Central Park. And I might have gone to Pinkberry for breakfast and dinner, ordering my favorite: original with mango, raspberries, and pineapple.
G was international law guy by day, handsome companion by evening. We ate and wandered and talked and laughed and slept in. Twas a good few days.
As for re-entry? Number one on the to do list: get a replacement retainer for Sam. Louie ate the old one yesterday, if you call 6-days-old "old." How many jobs does it take an 11-year-old (or a dog) to pay off a new retainer? We'll find out soon enough!
Reader Comments (6)
Looks like a positively lovely few days Color me jealous! Glad to have you back, friend. Been wondering if you took off somewhere fun.
Sounds heavenly. Can't wait to see Louie's chore list for replacing the retainer.
sounds like a fabulous trip to NYC. We went through 3 retainers in a 4 week period...
glad you had a great time! i need an east coast trip. need, not want.
This post is so glamorous. I need to go to NYC again.
Thank you thank you thank you for the pictures and the re-cap of your NYC days. So wonderful to think of all four of you there together. It makes me miss you all and NYC! Thank you for making time for the sibs and for sharing the photos and meals with us. I love the photo of you, in the mirror. You make me laugh and cry with every entry. Love you mucho,