

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness. 

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On my bookshelf
Annie's bookshelf:

Mama, Ph.D.: Women Write About Motherhood and Academic LifeMountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the WorldThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the PieThe Island: A NovelThe PassageSecret Spaces of Childhood

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Entries in humor (8)


The shorts and the short of it

First there's this hilarious Aussie ad that's had us in stitches:

Then there's this admittedly sneaky photo I took of a male science (no, not PE) teacher when we were touring Maddy's school:

Yes, the guys do wear their shorts quite a bit higher here.


Texting transcript of the week

Today, 11:53 a.m.

. . .

Nothing like going to bio and spilling termites all over your lab partner and yourself../.

Oy. It'll make a good story someday...

He was cute though...he asked for my number, the termites were a good bonding experience...

Haha. Now that's a "meet cute."

>< He's an rm* though...hahaha. It was so embarrassing!!!!

Don't bring any of those termites home now!

:D I'll send them in a box specifically for you :)

Is he your lab partner for the rest of the semester?
If so, maybe he should wear protective clothing :)

:P if he sits by me. haha

. . .

*rm = returned missionary,  meaning he's over 21 years old having served a two-year mission for our church. We are gently encouraging our gal to avoid this variety of gentlemen at this stage in her life as they seem to be a bit more in a marrying frame of mind.



These two recent spoofs made me chortle (or do I even chortle? At least giggle. Okay, there were smiles...):

1. First, Stephen Colbert provides his take on both Sesame Street and the famous marshmallow self-control experiment (a bit of profanity bleeped out but not especially well):


And, just for kicks, here's a video demonstrating a bit of the fascinating original study: 

2. This spoof of Ken Burns's documentary style (The Civil War, Baseball) in Vowels, a short film by Sam Cherington and friends, was also fun:


Up with humor! Jazz hands all around!



On the corner of Horrifying and Funny:

Yesterday I got this text message from Lauren:

Are there any holocaust cookbooks you would suggest?

I wasn't sure if I should recoil in horror (yes) or laugh really hard (that, too). Silly auto-correct. For the record, once I asked for clarification I learned that she was asking if I knew of any good books about the holocaust. 

. . .

On the corner of Funny and Hooray:

You guys, The Jolly Porter is back from blogging retirement. You're welcome.

. . .

On the corner of Hooray and Hmmm...

We sat down and watched the Les Mis 25th Anniversary Concert this weekend. Ah, memories. It was nostalgic and fun to share the music and story with my kids (and we now have wishful plans to see the musical somewhere soon). The hmmm part was when Marius came out and it was...well, I'll let you see. My girls were kind of happy about it, though.

For one of the encores, they had the original 1985 London cast join in. I know I'm showing my geek (and cliche) colors here but I LOVED it. These were the voices on my really worn taped copy of Les Mis in high school and the people I saw every few weeks when I was in London on study abroad in 89 (back in the days when I wandered around the city and listened to On My Own on my walkman). It felt like a vocal family reunion.

Although, here's the thing: it made me feel a bit aged realizing it has been 25 years. The 80s Marius is a rather old and pudgy (though obviously thrilled and emotional to be there). And you know that the 80s Cosette was all "I've still got it so I'm going to wear my black sequined onesie to show off my legs."

Anyway, you should watch it when it hits your PBS station. p.s. Les Mis is starting a US tour soon, too.


Thought bubbles, anyone?

As I was sifting through photos yesterday, I came across this gem taken after our reception:

This is just a trick of the camera, though. She's really not angry. My mom was a Greg fan from the start, supportive through the whole wedding planning and pre-marriage phase. She was happy for us. Right, Mom?

Thought bubbles, anyone?