

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

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Traveling light(er)

I'm excited to be heading to Washington, DC today for my Zero to Three scientific and fellowship meetings. And--lucky me!--Miss Maddy is there on her 8th grade trip this week, too. It will be fun to keep my eye out for her while we're both there--my own little Where's Waldo game. If only Maddy were wearing a red-and-white striped shirt and hat. I guess I'll just have to look for a blob of 14-year-olds with wicked cool accents.

Last week I hauled my grand-scale suitcase all around Utah. (And paid to check it on the plane. Urgh...I strongly dislike that. Yet another reason for train travel). In my defense...I have no defense.  I overpacked and filled it with books and extras on the way home. Anyhow, this trip I'm all about carry-on luggage, no fees, and streamlined packing choices.

Inspired by this Mighty Girl post (so impressive!) I took a little trip to the Container Store for see-through pouches and itty bitty plastic bottles for my liquids. (I'm so impressionable, remember?) 

So now, a little obsessed, I'm trolling for travel tips. When you pack a suitcase, do you have a thing you do? Do you fold or roll the clothes? Check or carry on? Enlighten me.

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Reader Comments (5)

The Husband refuses to check. REEEEFFUSES. So much so that when we took the kids to Seattle and Hawaii last year, we did not check a single bag. 14 beautiful days away from home, and nary a bag was out of our sight for a minute. It took some creative packing on my part, lots of complaining from the boys who had to have my stuff invade their stuff, but we did it. We also sent a large package home from Seattle before heading to Hawaii, but that left room for me to do some serious shopping in HI. I recommend the non-check.

04.29.2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristie

I wear the same clothes over and over. Who cares? And shoes - same shoes. Also - this isn't about packing - but I can't stand to wear open toe shoes to the airport! Scary for my feet!

04.29.2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

I am the worst pack-er. The tentative plans are to be in CA for three weeks in August. I'm already having an anxiety attack about packing a family of 7 for a 3 week stay...
I need some travel tips too!

04.29.2010 | Unregistered Commentersevensmiles

My rule is don't check if its less than 5 days. Pack lots of interchangeable clothes --- one pair of black pants will go with lots of different tops!

05.1.2010 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

here's the best way to have lots of room in your suitcase. Lay every item of clothing out in one pile. I even add in underwear and socks, pjs. fold in the long sleeves, and starting at the top roll it ever so tight! place the roll in your carry on size bag and you'll have tons of room for two pairs of shoes, two make up bags, and jewelry. Items that wrinkle can be pressed in the hotel room or steamed while you shower. I've done this for years - even to Europe and it's the only way to take all you want and still have room.

05.1.2010 | Unregistered CommenterJanice

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