Happy Birthday to me, #2
(saw this on marathonbird's twitter this morning)
I'm going to give myself more silliness in my life.
Happy Birthday to me, #3
Hi, I'm Annie.
Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.
Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness.
A few posts to get you started:
Passing the bridge of sighs
A modest proposal
+ modest proposal part 2
Adeste fideles
Uncurbed enthusiasm
Liner notes to growing up
Sunday dinner @ 135
Playing big
In praise of late bloomers
Bless her heart
+paging EB White
+waiting room
Nine and a half
Madeleine, 16
Keystone parents
She holds these truths
Louie, Louie
Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me.
More at my tumblr, Gather
and at my Pinterest pinboards
Happy Birthday to me, #3
Reader Comments (14)
Happy Birthday! Let's go to Guatemala and celebrate!
That video is cracking me up. I love seeing the guy climb over his desk. Have a fabulous weekend and see you next week!!! PARTY!!! Ok, maybe just a lovely little luncheon and great conversation! We'll talk marathons & mammograms.
Happy Birthday Annie.
Happy Birthday darling Annie. Now you are officially 40 and fabulous!
Happy Birthday beautiful! I've been trying to send you an ecard all day but Hallmark is not cooperating. If you get one by midnight you'll know I've prevailed!
I'm praying that my mid-life crisis came at 39, but I still don't feel ready to be 40. I'll call you for support come Feb. 2!
Love you! xo, m
Happy birthday! I forgot we were the same plus or minus a year. Don't quit.
I saw your Cass Barney link and thanks to you I found an old friend! Cass and I were pregnant together with our first kids. Happy birthday to me, too.
Dear Annie,
I can remember the day you were born. Mom started produced Raggedy Annie items, whether you wanted them or not. I was 17 and we were in Reno for my senior year. This whole story produced a novel from me.
YOU, my dear niece, are a wonder in every way. I loved my years from 40-50. Loved them. I just thought to myself, I'm going to check Annie's blog and treat myself to some joy. You are a joy to me and to so many others.
Annette, who has always secretly wished that my name was really Annie. My cousin got it first, born three months before me.
Happy Day!
40 is great for not caring what people think because really most people are too self absorbed to think about us.
I got another clean mammogram last week. After having some biopsies I never take it for granted. It really doesn't hurt.
*sing loudly*
don't you DARE quite blogging.
Birthday! Birthday!
40 is the beginning of a wonderful decade of discovery, independence and confidence!
You are NOT allowed to quit blogging. You may take a periodic break (begrudgingly) but you CANNOT quit. I need my daily dose of Annie. And your life is all about me, right?
Happy birthday, friend. Hope it was a good one.
LOVE that video. I want to work in a place with people like that. Hilarious.
Happy day after your birthday! I turn that 4 number next Saturday and I too am feeling a lot like you! I might have to come up with a list like you - at least it will give me something to think about besides the end of my 30's!
oh and the 15th seems to be a popular day to be born - had many birthdays today to celebrate, including a new nephew born today!!
You have accomplished a whole lot in forty short years!
Thank you for paving the way to XXXX for me. Please let me know what to expect.
I have loved getting to know you through blogging (but would completely understand if you had to take a break!) and consider you a true blue friend.
Happy happy birthday! Hope you celebrate all weekend.
Oh, Annie, I love this post. I love your list of possibles for a new life. I love your great perceptions and your wisdom. I love your tenderness. I love your motherlyness. I love your humor. I love that you are MINE! Oh Happy Day!