

Hi, I'm Annie.

Mother of 3,
spouse to G,
writer of things,
former batgirl,
lucky friend,
and American
living in Australia.

Basic Joy = my attempt to document all of this life stuff, stubbornly looking for the joy in dailiness. 

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On my bookshelf
Annie's bookshelf:

Mama, Ph.D.: Women Write About Motherhood and Academic LifeMountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the WorldThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the PieThe Island: A NovelThe PassageSecret Spaces of Childhood

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Just a collection of images that bring out the happy & hygge in me. 

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and at my Pinterest pinboards

Entries in movies (24)


Trudging toward deadlines

I've been chipping away at a couple of deadlines that are looming this week and next, trying to inoculate against the procrastination that can be my default [de fault?] mode.

But, oh, those deadlines!
Actually, oy, the distractions!

I resemble this:

Unfortunately, now I have another thing to add to my distractions: post-it-note art creation. And, of course, youtube surfing.

found via


Sometimes you just have to give it a whirl...

Happy Friday!
I've been craving creativity lately. Itching to create. 

My inner critic has been working overtime, though (skeptical thing that she is).
So I made her sit down and watch this:

video by the talented Jen Gray

p.s. We're off to see Up! this afternoon.  Because it's rainy. And because it's Friday. And because why do we even need to have a reason?


Oh for the love of movies

I'm a bit of a movie geek.

I know nothing about film per se.
I just love movies.
I can work up quite a happy dance in anticipation of going to a good, old-fashioned cinematic experience.
(I may have occasionally written movie release dates on my calendar.)

And there are some beauties coming up this summer so I had to share:

Meet me on the fifth row (stadium seating please). I'll be the one with popcorn, junior mints, a diet coke, and a big smile, saving you a seat. (May or may not be doing the happy dance.)


Last Lecture for now

Today was the last session of the human development course I taught this semester. To wrap it up, I asked the students to bring in something about a life story, real or fictional (novel/movie clip/article, etc.) to relate to some aspect of the course.  I loved what they came up with.  It ended up taking the whole class since everyone had given it such thought and had so much to say.  If you have a few minutes, the links (I starred the ones that were especially compelling) are wonderful:

It feels so great to be done but I'm going to really miss that class, those students.  They were very patient & accepting of this green, nervous, shaky-voiced first-time prof.  

class of idealistic, passionate grad students + human development course content =
life affirming and hopeful alchemy


Imaginary mentors

Back not too long ago, I worked on a research study of teen mothers.  We would schedule a visit with a young mom, then go and conduct a lengthy interview about her experiences growing up 

and with school 
and with the baby's father 
and about her pregnancy 
and feelings about being a mother 
and about her child. 

 These taped interviews would then be transcribed.  Later we would each listen to them all (not just the ones we conducted but everyone's) and code their responses.  It was all fascinating (it must appeal to the eavesdropper in me) but one question in particular always stood out for me:

Who are your parenting role models?

Sometimes they'd mention their own mom.  More often an aunt or a grandma.  But surprisingly often they would cite a fictional or celebrity mom:  Claire Huxtable on the Cosby Show.  Lorelei Gilmore from Gilmore Girls. Angelina Jolie. Etc.

Certainly it was sad when there were no real LIVE role models for mothering.  It goes without saying (but here I go) that actual role models are important in learning how to effectively parent...That's a topic for another day.

Today I was listening to an interview on NPR where the editors of Variety asked "is there a movie that changed your life (even just a little bit)?"  and I remembered those girls-almost-women and their connection with made-up characters, brand new moms looking for some other way (in many cases) than what they themselves got.  And I thought, good for them. Seeking.  Aspiring.  Resourceful.  So what if the role model is imaginary, if the lessons are real?

.  .  .

I have my own fictional touchstones of motherhood. Do you?  
I like 
yes, Claire Huxtable's feistiness and humor.  
And Lorelei's sense of fun and closeness and connection with her daughter.  
And, in books, Victoria Austin in the L'Engle's Austin series (growing up, I always thought that's how I'm going to be...) 
And Atticus Finch's wisdom and gentleness and integrity.  
And the mom in Blueberries for Sal. Just because.

What fictional moms (might) have made an impact on you?
Or am I just a little wacky?

.  .  .

Maddy's home tonight!